Pre & Post Treatment Instructions

It’s incredibly important to wash your face before you go to sleep at night – keeping makeup on overnight can clog your pores and prevent your skin from repairing itself. While you sleep, your skin renews itself and increases collagen production (more collagen = firmer skin and fewer wrinkles). If the body doesn’t go into this repair mode, damaged cells can accumulate, causing your skin to age faster. Make sure you choose a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. PCA SKIN® offers a variety of cleansing products to choose from to fit your individual needs.

Myth: It’s not a big deal if I go to sleep before I take off my makeup.

+ Write down the treatment and then include the pre/post instructions, so you can tell your clients to refer to your website instead of having to explain yourself all the time


+ Write down the treatment and then include the pre/post instructions, so you can tell your clients to refer to your website instead of having to explain yourself all the time


+ Write down the treatment and then include the pre/post instructions, so you can tell your clients to refer to your website instead of having to explain yourself all the time